Photo of Rakel Aubia Argentina

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Rakel Aubin

Born a small village picturesque and lively, General Rauch, Argentina. From Pequea attracted me and caught me forever the world of form, color and expression. Naciconmigo paint and accompany me to my final destination. I was very young my stage craft, incursions into various disciplines teach beginning to go through...

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Photo of Rakel Aubia Argentina

Rakel Aubin

Born a small village picturesque and lively, General Rauch, Argentina. From Pequea attracted me and caught me forever the world of form, color and expression. Naciconmigo paint and accompany me to my final destination. I was very young my stage craft, incursions into various disciplines teach beginning to go through several workshops.
At the School of Visual Arts and Horacio Zapata's hand drawing recorrel difficult path in the search for artistic expression, in terms of color, I find it next to the master Paul Menicucci.
The time is ripened our attempts and leads us to the desired horizon, and is happy ascom was added as complement the empujn to thank Adriana Silvina Ortiz and Aita. The search had an anchor remained just perseverance. It is true that we all keep dozing in
a corner our creativity, to give us a foot, such as choosing a subject, such as making a composiciny as if by magic we are immersed in the wonderful world of color, shapes, shadows and glare. Over the years came the exhibitions, lectures, master classes admired teacher of Juan Lazcano, Jorge Rajadell Insaurralde Rudolph, who carried my bag of dreams. Today I dedicate some of my passion is painting, and the teaching, putting my soul, my secrets and lamagia of painting in the service of those who dare to dream me.

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